Assassin’s Creed Pirates v2.9.1 APK + Data + MOD (money,Unlocked Levels/Items) for android

Download Assassin’s Creed Pirates v2.9.1 APK + Data + MOD (money,Unlocked Levels/Items) for android

Assassin’s Creed Pirates is a game where players take on the role of the young pirate captain Alonzo Batilla, one of the most feared and ruthless pirates of the Caribbean.
“Outstanding visuals and music”*SlideTo*“Definitely worth downloading.”“A solidly entertaining pirate game.”**Become one of the most feared pirates of the Caribbeanin this exclusive Assassin’s Creed adventure on smartphones and tablets! Play as Alonzo Batilla, a young and ambitious captain, a pirate eager to take on the fiercest ofenemies…Break all the rules, challenge empires and make your own fortune!

Fight in real-time naval battles all over the Caribbean Sea.Choose from a wide range of weapons to destroy your enemies and become a true pirate legend!

Acquire the most iconic boats of the Golden Age of Piracy; ranging from the smallest gunboat to the Man O’War floating fortress Upgrade your vessel using the massive bounty plundered from your encounters Recruit the finest crew members and learn more than 50 new pirating techniques to become a better captain and the true master of naval combat.

Changing weather conditions directly impact the gameplay and redefine every landscape. Beware of storms and of the treacherous fog that will conceal your enemies until the last moment! Bask in the West-Indies sunshine, admire beautiful sunsets and sail through the night along breathtaking coastlines.

Sail throughout a vast array of islands as you explore a Caribbean huge map Enjoy more than 50 story and side missions, search for nearly one hundred treasures and lost parchments and compete with your friends for the highest bounty.

Live an adventure that will reveal the truth about La Buse’s mysterious lost treasure. Cross paths with Assassins and Templars and take part in their age-old struggle. Meet the most notorious and colorful pirates of the era, including Sam Bellamy, Ben Hornigold and Blackbeard! Assassin’s Creed Piratesis fully compatible with tablets. Game available in: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Russian.

Mod 1 info :
Unlock latest level 6 ship with max upgraded Unlock some Legendary Perks and max upgraded 9,999,999 golds9,999 all resourcesHas Ultimate Hook

Mod 2 info :
Unlock and max upgraded all Hooks
Unlock and max upgraded all
Ships Unlock and max upgraded all Perk Level is 40
Unlock all Areas 9,999,999
golds9,999 all resources


Download Assassin’s Creed Pirates v2.9.1 APK + Data + MOD (money,Unlocked Levels/Items) for android

Assassin’s Creed Pirates

Cara Instal :
1. Download Apk + data di atas

2. Ekstrak data menggunakan Zarchiver Belum Punya Zarchiver Download Disini zarchiver Pro for android

3. Masuk ke setting / scurity/ centang pada unknown source

4. Instal Apk sampai selesai

5. Copy/Pindahkan Folder com.ubisoft.assassin.pirates ke Android /Obb/disini.

6. Jalankan gamenya enjoy..

Cara Download : Bagi yang kesulitan Download perhatikan baik baik tutorial dibawah ini.

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